Subj: Job Description Date: 95-06-13 19:37:49 EDT From: Marcia1009 Our High School just wrote job descriptions for our department chairs. I will send you one if you email me your address. What department are you chair of? If it is special education, I was chair of our department for 5 years. Subj: Re:Job Description Date: 95-07-07 19:46:11 EDT From: MargoC1603 I was Exceptional Student Ed. Dept. Chair for a middle school . Out dept. also supervised Alternative Ed. (Drop out prevention) in addition to LD, Varied Exceptionalities, and Gifted. Total of approx. 300 students in the dept-. Please e-mail me if you want some suggestions. I'd be glad to help. MargoC1603 Subj: Re:Job Description Date: 95-07-13 22:55:20 EDT From: Adimar I have been a special ed dept chair for three years. Isupervise 14 teachers and nine teaching assistants and 210 special educaion students. I also run the CST meetings and IEP annual reviews. Suggestions: utilize computer to manage paperwork information, clearly review your expectatons from the start, be a coach and supporter, your teachers need your help in working with the parents and mainstream teachers. Subj: Re:Job Description Date: 95-07-19 23:29:22 EDT From: P79BOSS would you like to form a group to discuss spec. ed. admin. and supervision - the Principal Frum has indicated that they would like to concentrate on "whole thinkers" - their term - please e-mail if interested Subj: Re:Job Description Date: 95-07-23 22:56:12 EDT From: JCFITNESS I'm interested! Subj: Re:Job Description Date: 95-08-09 19:41:21 EDT From: NOTLYNN send E-mail Notlynn Yes, I am dept chair Subj: New Name Date: 95-08-13 16:18:29 EDT From: Ratatat This folder was entitled "Department Heads." The name has been changed to more appropriate for posting by more people. Subj: Teacher Consulstant Date: 95-08-13 16:20:51 EDT From: Ratatat Moved Message: Subj: Teacher Consultant Date: 95-08-13 14:03:25 EDT From: KSpiess After 5 years in regular educaation, and 1 in spec. ed I have taken on a new position as teacher consultant in an elementary school. I've taken several courses that have prepared me somewhat, but I would appreciate some ideas from the "real world". Thanks.